Fellow runners and PTC Members, your PTC Board of Directors met “virtually” last night on “Google Hangouts.” Most of our discussions were about the impacts of COVID-19 on PTC races, meetings, activities… and our own lives. We learned that the City of Hampton will not meet to consider any June events, so our previously scheduled …
Joe & Sue Moore Memorial Scholarship 5K “Virtual” Race
Hello! I hope you are all staying fit and healthy while practicing proper “Social Distancing.” This morning would have been our annual Joe & Sue Moore Memorial Scholarship 5K. If you already registered don’t forget to run your “Virtual” race and submit your time to Scholarship5KResults@hotmail.com by 30 April. If you haven’t yet registered but …
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Additional Gathering Size Recommendations
Fellow runners, I’m sure you are all diligently tracking the impacts of COVID-19 and the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Virginia Department of Health (VDH). The attached message (dated 14 March) from the local governments for our Peninsula region urges residents to avoid gatherings of more than 50 people. …
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Gatherings of more than 100 people temporarily banned in Virginia!
Fellow runners, this is the latest news. Obviously, when you combine runners and volunteers, nearly all of our races are >100 participants. We’ll let you know race by race as much as we can. This may be for just a few weeks or possibly up to mid-May…
COVID-19 Impacts to Local Races
Fellow PTC Members, Runners, and Volunteers, As you are all aware, due to the spread of COVID-19 there have been many postponed and cancelled events. Please monitor all event websites or Facebook pages for updates. Most registered runners will receive an email on the status of events, but volunteers may not. Locally, today’s Ft. Eustis …
Joe & Sue Moore Memorial Scholarship 5K Cancelled with “Virtual” race option
All, I regret to inform you that the Joe & Sue Moore Memorial Scholarship Race must be cancelled. Please see the attached from Danielle (Moore) Hundley regarding the planned “Virtual” race. As she states, this race directly benefits current high school seniors who may be eligible to apply for a PTC Scholarship. Your understanding is …
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The Entire Sports World Has Turned Upside Down
From my Gazette article about the Swamp Run, a summary of all going on with area road races: By Rick Platt In the final weekend before the entire sports world was turned upside down, the 19th annual Jamestown High School Swamp Run 5K had two exciting and competitive three-way battles for the top overall awards in …
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The PTC Store
Keep clicking this link:
New for Hampton Roads Runners!!
Some of you may be familiar with James Moreland’s “Regional Runners Rankings” for Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. We now have our own seasonal rankings for residents in Hampton Roads! Link to HRRR
PTC Constitution
At the PTC General Membership Meeting on 18 February 2020, we reviewed the revised PTC Constitution and, having a quorum, the membership present voted unanimously to adopt the attached document. Thank you to all those who reviewed and discussed it. PTC CONSTITUTION (18 FEB 2020)