Peninsula Track Club hosts Intervals and “Wintervals” (Winter Intervals) at Tabb High School track. Intervals begin in mid-March and Wintervals begin in November of each year. The routine remains the same – meet under the ambient light of the Tabb High School track, Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. Workouts will vary. Runners of all abilities and speeds are most welcome. For updated information and to watch for weather updates or cancellations, go to the PTC Facebook page .
What are intervals?
Intervals are brief periods of intense running followed by brief periods of rest. When you run your body produces lactic acid. By briefly resting you get rid of some of that lactic acid but can’t get rid of it all. Your body adapts to the lactic acid over time allowing continued exercise and gains in endurance. Consistent effort over weeks will get you faster times at whatever run you do…