Hills Run

The official Yorktown Hills Run, 4 pm and 6 pm, is canceled today, Monday 18 April, due to rain. See you next week.

Tabb Intervals

Something to look forward to this week…. Intervals. You can be part of this great-looking, hard-working running group! Last week they easily worked through 8 x 400’s, and 2 x 800’s. Join them this Wednesday at 6 pm at Tabb High School, Coach Steve is getting so much better at selfies!

Monday Hill Running Report

The 4:00 crew was missing a regular but he had a good excuse – he is running Boston next week-Good Luck Chris. The weather was sunny but breezy. The 6 pm crew had 3 unidentified participants along with Steve, Will, and Ashley. Hope they could keep up. Join us every Monday at Yorktown Beach to …

3 Club Challenge

The 3 major club presidents in Hampton Roads from the Tidewater Striders, Peninsula Track Club, and Colonial Road Runners are introducing the new 3 Club Challenge this year! Run all three of each clubs’ major races, Victory at Yorktown 10K (CRR), Elizabeth River Run 10K (TS), and Yorktown Battlefield 10-Miler (PTC) and get an awesome challenge medal …

Yorktown Beach Hills

Yorktown Beach Hills this Monday Night times 2! The original 6 pm crew is back along with the expansion team that meets at 4 pm. Now there are two opportunities to increase your endurance and run or walk with two great groups of people. Meet in front of the parking garage at your selected time.

Running Opportunities

Running opportunities with PTC. Walk or run 10 hills on Mondays at 4 (currently) meeting by the first floor of the garage at Yorktown Beach. Wednesday Wintervals at Tabb High School at 6 pm. From coach Steve, “Beautiful pre-spring for intervals. A small but gorgeous group (minus 1) made their way through 10 x 400 …

Yorktown Beach Hill Run – March 7

Awards Banquet 2022

If you did not receive a Signup Genius invitation to the awards banquet, please copy and paste the following link to RSVP. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B054CADAA2AA1F58-ptcawards1

Wintervals – March 2

Due to a family emergency, Wednesday Wintervals on March 2 is canceled.

YBHR 2021