Click to view results: 2016 Tom Ray Memorial Predict Your Time 5 Miler
Tue., Aug. 2 – 6:30 p.m.
Newport News Bikeway
Newport News Park Campground
Newport News, VA
Part of the PTC Summer Fun Run Series
No watches
Contact: Christine Schaffner (757) 898-3258 or Bruce Davis –
>>> No Watches <<<
Tues., August 4, 6:30 p.m.
No watches are allowed during the race. The runner who comes closest to their estimated finish time wins. There will be prizes for the 3 runners who come closest to their estimated finish time. The race entry fee is a can of people food and a can of pet food and is taken to a food pantry by a Peninsula Track Club member. There is no packet pick up or pre race sign up. Runners show up to run or to help out. It is a fun summer evening of running and socializing.